Title A Basic Study on the Implementation of Intelligent Spatial Service Scenarios
Authors Kim Sung-Ah ; Cho Yun-Jung
Page pp.117-124
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Intelligent Space ; Space Service ; Space Service Scenario
Abstract Advances in ubiquitous computing technologies transformed the paradigm of information interactions from P2P(person to person), or P2M(person to machine) into M2M(machine to machine), which is from human-centered to machine-centered. The target of information technology has been expanded to all surrounding objects, and the object itself is able to make decisions and reason about the information. The function of space is not static anymore; it is not decided by the designer or by its physical configuration. A new space concept is emerging so that the function of space is dynamically reconfigured by combining various IT services. The paper conceptualizes an intelligent space which can be dynamically reconfigured by combining ubiquitous computing technology with architectural space. Survey have been conducted upon the existing projects, and we extracted a model of intelligent space service. By applying the model into a sample scenario, a prototypical model of the intelligent space service scenario is presented.