Title A Study on the Usefulness of User Participation Method in the Design Process of Children's Public Library
Authors Lee Jeong-Mi ; Kwack Dong-Wha ; Lim Che-Jin ; Lee Sang-Bok
Page pp.161-171
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Children's Public Library ; User Participation ; Design Method ; Communication Tool
Abstract The purpose of this study is to make design workshop method by user participation and to investigate it's usefulness in children's public library. As the participation method, the design workshop method in this study contains visioning, participation techniques, community action planning and participation game. The design workshops used the model and sketch as a communication tool. The design vocabularies and various alternative plans were collected through the in-depth discussions focused on users' thinking. Through the analysis, we could grasp the processes that the users' needs were practically applied to design, and the tendency that residents valued highly the functions requested from life experiences. Our design workshop method should be hereafter modified and advanced, but showed the usefulness as the following points. Being able to design user-oriented architectural program, affording the place to meet self-actualization needs, affording the more chance of love and interest for their children and improving the sense of community.