Title The Structure Analysis of the Fist Connection Resistance Performance for Traditional Wooden Structural System Improvement
Authors Song Jong-Mok ; Park Hak-Kil
Page pp.3-10
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fist Connection ; Semi-rigid Connection ; Stability of Structural System ; Resistance Performance ; Member Continuity ; Suitability
Abstract This paper predicts structure performance of traditional wooden structure, and it is the one of core research themes for technical generalization. I was going to assure problems in the resistance performance interpretation of similar Traditional Wooden Structures by inspecting a mechanics behavior characteristic of joint connection through confirmation and structure interpretation through a model examination to interpret resistance performance of fist connection. It was 1:1 and 1/2 scale and turned at fist connection of the Traditional Wooden Structure beam, and the study progress experimented on performance and structural analysis did same model and inspected comparison. Even as for the stiffness, geometry set which is highly precise, and face each other which got through comparison inspection by an experiment and the interpretation and basics of properties of matter prices document in a base for connection of the same kind accomplished a design ideally. It is the main aim of the study that what externalization does the interpretation condition when I let you quantify the vague nature and cannot lean on an experiment of the parameter to have an influence on stiffness of traditional wooden structure, and raise name value of the interpretation watched. Therefore, though I looked for the method that I generalized the propriety of interpretation as dynamic performance and could put to practical use, I concentrated an ability. As for the main content that I got through an experiment and a theoretical comparative study, a case of SW42 that there were many contact surfaces most, and a joining coherence island was high was able to confirm a stable thing by stress distribution low most under the equal load. In addition, I appeared to get appropriate clamping force because it was efficient to become the joining length of 1/2 beam width digit.