Title A Simplified Analytical Model for Framed-tube Structures using 1-D Finite Element Analysis
Authors Park Dae-Kyu ; Kim Jin-Man ; Lee Jae-Hong
Page pp.11-18
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Framed-tube System ; Simplified Analytical Model ; Finite Element ; Shear-Deformation
Abstract In this paper, an analytical model for framed-tubular structures is presented. The governing equations of the framed-tubular systems are formulated through the continuum approach and the whole structure is idealized as a thin-walled closed-section box beam. This model is based on the shear-deformable beam theory, and the shear rigidity of the building proposed based on distribution of columns and beams. One-dimensional finite element model is developed to formulate the problem. Numerical results are obtained and compared with the available results and finite element package MIDAS. The proposed method is found to be simple and efficient and provides reasonably accurate results in early design stage of tall building structure