Title Development for the Specification of Performance-based Fire Engineering Design on Steel Structures
Authors Kwon In-Kyu
Page pp.69-76
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fire Engineering Design ; Mechanical Properties at High Temperature ; Structural Stabilities ; Structural Steels
Abstract Fire design methods of steel framed buildings have been divided two categories such as a prescriptive method and a performance-based fire engineering design usually conducted through a science and an engineering technology. But the latter was rapidly developed around the world and it is inclined to place as a main method for determination of fire resistance performance of the steel based buildings. For an alternative of fire resistance evaluation in Korea against prescriptive regulation, we suggested the draft of specification of fire performance-based engineering design that fire resistance performance be evaluated by using a scientific and engineering knowledge and that be proved by the authorities of Ministry of Construction and Transportation. And to analyze the fire resistant performance of structural stabilities at high temperature condition for lager specimens than those defined at KS F 2257-1, I have suggested an analytic computer program using the mechanical properties of high temperature and boundary conditions of structural steels.