Title A Study on the Interior Colors of Common Spaces of the Elderly Facilities in Japan - Focused on the Case Studies of the Facilities in Tokyo
Authors Ryu Sook-Hee ; Lee Sang-Ho
Page pp.29-37
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Interior Color ; Welfare Facility for the Elderly ; Common Space ; Japan
Abstract This study is conducted to investigate the residential welfare facilities for the elderly in Tokyo, Japan in order to construct a database for modeling new interior color schemes for common spaces in senior housing facilities in Korea. Because Japan became an aging society earlier than Korea, we choose the facilities in Japan to study. The hue, the value and the chroma of colors used for common spaces in the facilities, such as lobby, corridor, stairs, cafeteria, and lounge, are measured using the Munsell Color System, and the colors are classified into the main color, the sub color, and the accent color depending on the size of space. Then, for each common space, the result of measuring the color of common spaces is presented as the distribution of hues and tones. The hue, the value and the chroma of colors for each facility are also investigated. As a whole, the facilities in Japan are found to use warm colors of whitish and pale tone as main colors, and dark tone colors of R and YR are used for furniture as accent colors inside the facilities. Among the value and chroma of colors for lobby, corridor, stairs, cafeteria, and lounge, there aren't meaningfully different, but the value of the main color is higher than that of the sub color and that of the accent color, and the chroma of the main color and that of the sub color are lower than that of the accent color.