Title A Study on Effects of Star Marketing on Apartment Market
Authors Yoo Chang-Kyu ; Kim Sang-Ki ; Lee Yoon-Sun ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.105-112
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Star Marketing ; Brand ; Market Participatory ; Apartment Brand Image ; Pairwise Comparisons
Abstract Recently in apartment market, many construction companies have utilized star marketing strategy for expansion of their brands. It projects star's positive image into its apartment brand and is utilized as major marketing strategy for boosting demand. However, negative influences that star marketing strategy generates were found in other types of industry or business; and the star marketing strategy reflects how the running of advertisements is done through improvement of this problem. Despite this, being a latecomer in the advertisement industry, apartment marketing strategy, now, has yet to cope with the rapid changes of advertisement industry. Therefore, the paper explores star marketing factors that affect apartment market according to viewpoints of each market player, delineates problems in star marketing, and provides counter proposals.