Title A Case Study On BIM Collaboration and Information Management Methods
Authors Won Jong-Sung ; Lee Jeong-Joo ; Lee Ghang
Page pp.25-32
ISSN 12269093
Keywords BIM ; Collaboration ; Information Management
Abstract As information technology and the skills of communication rapidly advance, the number of BIM implementations in the field is also increasing. Collaboration and communication among project participants are important factors of BIM implementation. In this paper, we discussed collaboration and information management in BIM implementation based on case studies we conducted of successful international projects implementing BIM. The size of the project is more extensive than the previous one, so legal liability among the participants was higher. Because reuse and sharing of information are important in the BIM process, the minimizing of conflicts is a key factor for success. The master BIM model centers on information exchange and coordination of BIM collaboration. Successful projects require the efficient management of the master BIM model. Project managers must therefore make information mangers like Digital Design Director (DDD)or organizations that are in charge of information exchange, coordination, and changed models. Also, project mangers introduced the integrated project delivery method to help consultants and construction companies participate in the design phase. The integrated project delivery method can boost the efficient progress of projects. BIM implementation in Korea is at an early stage compared to other developed countries. As BIM spreads rapidly in Korea, we expect that difficulties in collaboration among participants will also increase, as it did in the international projects we examined. For future construction projects to go smoothly without any communication difficulties, I believe the Korean construction industry needs to accept management of the master BIM model, information exchange, and coordination of the BIM process, each of which is discussed in the case study of this paper.