Title Relationships Between Factors of Creativity in the Field of Architectural Design
Authors Sung Eun-Hyun ; Shin Moon-Ki
Page pp.41-48
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Creativity of Architectural Design ; Knowledge of Major Field ; General Knowledge ; Intrinsic-Extrinsic Motivation
Abstract This research is aiming for studying the relationships between the knowledge of major field, general knowledge, intrinsic-extrinsic motivations and the creativity of architectural design. 129 students, major in architecture, participated in this study. Two specialists of architectural design evaluated the students' creativity in their projects. The data of the intrinsic-extrinsic motivation test and the academic achievement for students were used for the analysis. We used Cronbach α test, factor analysis, stepwise multiple linear regression, Pearsons's correlation test, and Barron and Kenny's mediate model to analyse data. The results were as the following; First, the knowledge of major field, general knowledge, and intrinsic motivation were significantly correlated to the creativity of architectural design. The sub-factors of extrinsic motivation were not significantly correlated with the creativity of architectural design except the extrinsic motivation that has a synergy effect with intrinsic motivation. Second, the multiple regression analysis demonstrated that the knowledge of major field and intrinsic motivation were significant predictors in the factors of the creative architectural design. Finally, the effect of the extrinsic motivation that has a synergy effect with intrinsic motivation on creativity was mediated by intrinsic motivation. These results suggest that we should make efforts to elevate the knowledge of major field and students' intrinsic motivation through recognition and rewards to develop creativity in the architectural design.