Title A Study on the Formation of Approach in Louis I. Kahn's Architecture
Authors Yoon Dong-Sik
Page pp.125-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Louis I. Kahn ; Approach ; Axial Composition ; Off-Axis ; American Beaux-Arts
Abstract There are the element of Beaux-Arts tradition such as axis, symmetry and centricity and the element of modernism such as spatial composition with grid and off-axis existed altogether in Louis Kahn’s Architecture. Since they are perceived to be contrary to each other, the purposes of this study are to re-analyze Louis Kahn’s Architecture and to prove the visual and perceptional effect caused by off-axis strategy. The off-axis in approaching stage consists of off- axis in the path of flow and entrance. This off-axis strategy rotates, magnifies the visual angle of a building and forms the whole image of building from the overlaps of partial images. The observer recognizes the real existence of building differently by following these steps with his/her will. This is one of the common characteristics in Louis Kahn’s Architecture.