Title A Study on the Characteristics of Culture-based Waterfront Regeneration
Authors Kim Young-Hwan
Page pp.207-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Waterfront ; Culture-based Urban Regeneration ; Birmingham ; San Antonio ; Bilbao
Abstract This paper explores the characteristics of culture-based waterfront regeneration centering on overseas case study including Brindleyplace(Birmingham), Riverwalk(San Antonio), and Abandoibarra(Bilbao). For this, I briefly examined the concept of culture-based waterfront regeneration, and established analysis framework such as background and execute system, contents of regeneration plan, and design control system. The major findings are as follows. First, the main backgrounds of waterfront regeneration are different each other, but private sector and masterplan-led development are common. Second, adapted reuse of modern buildings, linkage of surrounding cultural resources, pedestrian and transit oriented network system, improving the open spaces and greenery using waterfront area are main techniques to plan culture-based waterfront regeneration. Lastly, various design control systems such as Birmingham Urban Design Guideline, San Antonio Design Standards are effectively utilized for better urban environment.