Title Risk Breakdown Structure and Risk Factor Dictionary in Mixed-use Mega Project
Authors Na In -Su ; Kim Seon-Gyoo ; Ahn Kun-Hyuck ; Lee Sang-Kyeong ; Shim Gyo-Eon ; Park Kyoo-Young
Page pp.225-232
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Mixed-use Development ; Risk Management ; Risk Breakdown Structure ; Risk Factor Dictionary
Abstract Risk management is very essential to all those projects especially to the urban field. The purpose of this study was to develope a risk breakdown structure and risk factor dictionary in mixed-use mega project as a risk management tool. The development processes were as follows. Risk management of PMBOK(PMI) was reviewed, and literature review about domestic risk management of land development projects were also done, as well as risk factors in recent development projects were surveyed. This process was for detecting as many kinds of risk factor as possible. Risk factors were classified by risk types and project stages, and then organized as the risk factor matrix. Risk breakdown structure was developed by this risk factor matrix, and risk factor dictionary was finally developed in the form of table which composed of the risk factor, impacts, response strategies, and responsibilities based on risk breakdown structure. Risk breakdown structure and risk factor dictionary proposed in this study will be served as an effective risk management tool in real estate development process.