Title Definitions of Architecture in Le Corbusier's Books Issued in 1920s - Focused on Three Books Arised from l'Esprit Nouveau
Authors Lee Kwan-Seok
Page pp.167-178
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Le Corbusier ; l'Esprit Nouveau ; Definitions of Architecture
Abstract This paper studies the definitions of new architecture suitable for a new epoche, passionately expressed in Le Corbusier's three books(Vers une architecture, L'Art decoratif d'aujourd'hui, Precisions sur l'etat present de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme) arisen from l'Esprit Nouveau in 1920s, the period regarded as the formation age of Modern Architecture. First, as a basic analysis, Le Corbusier's consciousness of the spirit of the times and his recognition on machine were considered to help understand following his definitions regarding architecture. Next, the significations of the definitions of architecture from the view point of physical and spiritual sides were arranged by analyzing key words included in the sentences of above mentioned books. Subsequently, it contemplates a touching architecture, pure spiritual creation, as a ultimate purpose architecture should pursue in putting together physical and spiritual sides of architecture.