Title A Method of Using Real-time Weather Information to Manage Construction Schedule
Authors Jang Myung-Houn ; Yoon You-Sang
Page pp.123-130
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Schedule Management ; Weather Information ; Construction Management ; Simulation
Abstract In construction projects, weather is regarded as a risk that increases construction costs and causes safety accidents. But, the risk may become an opportunity if construction schedules are planned considering historical weather information and the schedules are modified by weather prediction in performing construction works. This paper proposes a method to update the work schedules using real-time weather information in working the construction activities. The results of the paper are: (1) While many of previous researches use historical weather information in order to plan construction schedules, this paper proposes a method to use real-time weather information to modify the construction schedules. (2) The method provides non-working condition based on weather factor supposing each activity has the intensity of weather effect because construction works or activities have different effect from weather. (3) A sample network verifies feasibility of the proposed method.