Title A Study on the Structure of the Indirect Field Negotiation System for Effective Dispute Resolution at Contract Administration Stage
Authors Kim Dong-Seong ; Cho Young-Jun ; Hyun Chang-Taek ; Hong Tae-Hoon
Page pp.131-138
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Dispute ; Negotiation ; ADR(Alternative Dispute Resolution) ; Indirect Field Negotiation System
Abstract A Dispute is an inevitable affair in construction project. When it occurs, it makes contract parties feel tired. So dispute clause is stipulated in many of construction contract conditions. Though a negotiation method is very effective to resolve the dispute, most of contract parties have depended on litigation or arbitration. A lot of contract parties had catched the meaning of negotiation as direct method rather than indirect one. For the purpose of complement this problem, recently some owner are introducing Dispute Review Board(DRB) method which is a type of ADR. Because the DRB method is just the beginning in Korea. Thus it's operation rule is not systematically set. Therefore the indirect field negotiation system was introduced and the concept of the alternative dispute resolution structure at contract administration stage was suggested in this study.