Title The Study on the a Level Change of Rural Housing of a ChaoXianZu Settlement on the Tumen Riverside in China
Authors 林Lin Jin-Hua
Page pp.71-78
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Tumen Riverside in China ; ChaoXianZu ; Rural Houses ; Level ; Transition
Abstract In the modern, the area of North of the Tumen River has been reclaimed and settled down by people from Korea, and still many descendents are living this area now. When they firstly settled down, they had their own architecture culture and living style. However, it has been gradually changed in a century. As we can see the from the change of residence, the style of room is simple one room since the reduction of the popularity. To satisfy demand of new generation who need independent life, barns are becoming to be rooms; sink becomes a part of kitchen; rest rooms are arranged in the rooms. However, they still preserve their traditional way of construction, which the housings still have warehouses connected to housings. and rooms(Jungji) which are located between kitchen and living rooms.