Title Typo-morphological Observations of Deep and Narrow Lot in Old HANOI
Authors Song In-Ho
Page pp.149-156
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Hanoi ; Urban Landscape ; Typo-morphology ; Deep and Narrow Lot
Abstract This study is focused on urban tissues in ancient quarter and old quarter of Hanoi from the viewpoint of typo-morphology. I suggest that the unique urban landscape of Old Hanoi has its origins in deep and narrow lot. The tectonic form and the characteristics of four urban tissues, composed of deep and narrow lots, can be summarized as followings. First, although the construction system and program were changed, deep and narrow lot maintains its influence on the morphology of urban tissue. The morphological homogeneity and dynamics of old Hanoi result from the continuance of lots and the fluctuation of buildings' forms. Second, on the deep and narrow lot, the keen competitions to face the street coexists with the tensions to the deep inside. Despite the morphological change of each lot, the liveliness are continued on the surface layer of buildings. Third, the formative process of deep and narrow lot can distinguish into two patterns. One is the deep and narrow lot that was made by extending to inside from the streets. The other is the deep and narrow lot that were divided into pertinent width after fixing an outline of a block. The former is of the traditional urban tissue, and the latter is of the modern urban tissue.