Title An Experimental Study on Window Design for Preventing Condensation in Apartment Housing with Balcony Expansion
Authors Yoon Dae-Won ; Cheong Chang-Heon ; Kim Ji-Yoeng ; Yoo Seon-Yong ; Kim Tae-Yeon ; Leigh Seung-Bok
Page pp.227-234
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Balcony Expansion ; Indoor Thermal Environment ; Insulation Performance ; Window Design
Abstract According to the legalization of balcony expansions in apartment houses since January 2006, most of the apartment houses now are built with expanded balcony space. The existing balcony space was physically a buffer between the outside environment and the inside environment. In addition, it was a space that functioned to minimize the indoor environmental changes in relation to external weather changes. However, as apartment houses with extended balconies have become more common recently, the possibility of dew condensation increased due to the weakening of the insulation capacity as the space that can carry out these environmental buffer roles have disappeared. Also, the indoor thermal environment has been weakened. Thus, this paper seeks to resolve problems related to the expansion of balconies by presenting a new method that improves the insulation performance and prevents condensation in the window design that an apartment house with an extended balcony should have. also performance evaluation is executed on new window design to prevent condensation.