Title An Evaluation of Mold Growth Risks in Trouble Spots in an Apartment Building using Computer Simulation
Authors Moon Hyeun-Jun ; Park Jin-Woo ; Yoon Young-Ran
Page pp.251-258
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Mold ; Condensation ; Apartment Buildings ; Trouble Spots ; Risk Analysis
Abstract This paper presents the result of condensation and mold growth risk on trouble spots in an apartment building. The corner wall in an entrance door, corner walls in an extended balcony and a dress room exposed to outside are recognized as problem spots for condensation and mold infestation in the apartment building over years. This study analyses mold risks based on a mixed simulation approach with additional mechanisms of the mold phenomenon and an aggregation method to arrive at quantified mold growth risk. This mold risk indicator (MRI) approach is applied to the selected trouble spots for quantitative condensation and mold growth risks. This study reveals that 0.9 of temperature factor and humidity control are required to avoid condensation and mold risk in the trouble spots in an apartment building.