Title Prediction of Drying Shrinkage Cracking in Reinforced Concrete Wall using Equivalent Bond-Loss Length
Authors Seo Tae-Seok ; Choi Chang-Sik
Page pp.61-68
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Crack Width ; Drying Shrinkage ; RC Wall ; Equivalent Bond-loss Length
Abstract The crack width due to drying shrinkage of RC wall is calculated by integrating a difference of strain of reinforcing steel and concrete at the crack face. This value is correspond to the multiply of the equivalent bond-loss length(Lb) and the sum of the strain of reinforcing steel and concrete at the crack face. In the previous study, Lb was proposed to predict simply the drying shrinkage cracking in RC wall, but there is a shortcoming that the calculation has to be carried out until satisfying a condition. Accordingly, more simple estimation method was proposed in this paper, and the calculation values were compared with the investigation values by field study. In results, a good agreement was shown between investigation values and calculation values.