Title Effect of Incorporation of Fine Particle Grain and Superplasticizer on Engineering Properties of the Lightweight Foamed Concrete
Authors Han Cheon-Goo ; Han Min-Cheol ; Choi Sung-Yong ; Jung Kwang-Bok
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Lightweight Foamed Concrete ; Cement Kiln Dust ; Fine Particle Grains ; Limestone Powder ; Superplasticizer
Abstract This paper is to investigate experimentally the engineering properties of lightweight foamed concrete depending on dosages of superplasticizer and fine particle grains contents for improving quality and the results are summarized as following. As adding the fine grains contents (FG) to the lightweight concrete with mixed all sorts of mineral admixture, the flow decreased, and the decreased flow got pertinent flow as adding the superplasticizer. The depth of settlement, one of the volume stability standard, showed the lowest depth of settlement 4mm when mixing rate of FG was 10%, and when adding more than 15%, the depth of settlement increased rapidly. However, adding the superplasticizer, the depth of settlement decreased, and with the rate of 0.005%, it showed the shortest depth. The compressive strength of concrete except 15 and 20% of FG satisfied with KS standard, 'grade of the five', and also, the bulk density satisfied with KS standard, 'under grade of the five-0.160W/(m?k). Therefore with the incorporation of 10% of FG and 0.05% of superplasticizer with lightweight foamed concrete, the improvement of workability, security of volume stability, and improvement of mechanical properties of light weight foamed concrete can be achieved.