Title A Performance Evaluation of Public Construction Management Projects Using Questionnaire Methodology in Korea
Authors Yoo Byeong-Gi ; Ahn Byung-Ju ; Kim Jae-Jun
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Construction Management ; Performance Measurement ; Questionnaire
Abstract The modern construction projects have become larger, more complicated and specialized than before. In these projects, the risks on delay, over budget and poor quality exist. However, the traditional construction delivery system is not likely to cope with the problem due to the ambiguous responsibility for managing time, cost and quality over the project life-cycle. Construction Management (CM) is an efficient delivery system for managing the problem. Since enactment of CM in 1996, CM market in Korea has shown increase by growing the amount of orders received. Experts are forecasting that the CM market will increase to a market of 2 trillion Korean Won in 2015. Despite the superficial growth of market, according to a report of investigation, CM is at its naive stage yet in Korea. Therefore, it is significant to measure performance of CM projects, for growth of CM market in Korea, which were over and are come to an end shortly. The objective of this study is to measure performance of 29 sample CM projects that are selected from public construction projects in Korea. And this study shows a direction for domestic CM activation, based on analysis results of the performance measurement.