Title A Study on the Street and Streetscape Evaluation Using Post-Design Evaluation - The Case of Chamsali Street in the Seongbuk-gu, Seoul
Authors Shin Eun-Kyung ; Cho Young-Tae ; Kim Sei-Yong
Page pp.37-46
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Post-Design Evaluation(PDE) ; 'Chamsali' Street ; Streetscape ; Landscape Evaluation
Abstract As an interest in pedestrian environment has been recently increasing, research on the analysis and design for street space and street landscape has been getting attention. Also, the number of projects related with pedestrian environment has been increasing. Thus, analysis and reflection on previous projects should be first done to effectively carry out future projects and to raise the satisfaction of pedestrians. The research performed an analysis on street space and street landscape of Chamsali Street in Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, in which a project entitled ‘Street Where People Like to Walk’ was completed in 2001, using the Post-Design Evaluation(PDE). Inaddition, the research presented suggestions and improvement measures for pedestrian environment through physical, psychological, and behavioral analyses. This is different from the existing research in the point in which a combined analysis using physical, psychological, and behavioral elements for street space and street landscape was tried.