Title Fire Resistance System of MCO Beam Using Fireproof Board
Authors Lee Jae-Sung ; Kim Heung-Yeal ; Cho Bong-Ho ; Kim Hyung-Jun ; Kim Gap-Deug
Page pp.93-100
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Fireproof Board ; Fire Resistance System ; Modular Beam
Abstract Modular construction method is based on pre-fabricated unit module in a factory and assembling of the unit module in a construction site. The main advantage of the modular system is that the construction time can be reduced by small weather impact on scheduling, the relatively easy availability of machines and services in a well-structured factory environment, and so on. Fire-proofing paints have been used as the fire resistance material in modular buildings. However, in the modular system, the fire resistance method using the paint is uneconomical due to several painting works and long drying time. The purpose of this study is to develop the fire resistance system of the MCO beam (Modular Construction Optimized Beam) using fireproof board to reduce the construction time for fire resistance. This study presents a proper fire resistance system for the modular buildings using fireproof board with optimized values for thickness of fireproof board and space between MCO beam and fireproof board.