Title Analysis of the Contribution and Spalling Control Characteristics of Fire-resistance Strengthening Parameters of High Strength Concrete
Authors Lee Mun-Hwan
Page pp.109-118
ISSN 12269107
Keywords High Strength Concrete ; Fire-resistant ; Fire Event ; Spalling ; Contribution
Abstract The selection of effective functional materials as well as the evaluation of the contribution of the selected materials are indispensable to control the causes of the degradation of fire-resistant performance such as spalling occurring in high strength concrete during fire event. This study unitized the mixed parameters of the concrete matrix in order to analyze effectively the major effects and mutual actions of 4 types of fire-resistance strengthening parameters that are metakaolin, waste tire chip, polypropylene fiber and steel fiber. This study diversified the combination of these parameters and examined the fire and heat damage control characteristics experimentally and statistically. The following conclusions could be derived from the results. In view of the experimental analysis results relative to the 4 original types of fire-resistance strengthening parameters, the reciprocal contribution of the parameters on their basic properties and fire-resistance was seen to act complementary. Most of the specimens developed the expected mechanism and exhibited surface spalling. Most of the specimens also presented control of in-depth spalling that could lead to exposure of rebar. On the other hand, polypropylene fiber showed the largest contribution to the volume of surface spalling with a value of 70.44%, being stable over a wide range of utilization. However, test also revealed the need of combined application with the other selected parameters at high strength corresponding to 80MPa-class.