Title A Study on the Post Occupancy Evaluation by the Residence Environment Factors in the Low-Rise Block Housing
Authors Choi Sang-Dong ; Chung Jin-Soo
Page pp.111-122
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Low-Rise Block Housing ; Residence Environment Factors ; Resident Satisfaction ; Analysis of Impact Factors
Abstract The study shows and suggests controversial and directions for improving of the lower stories housing complex by the resident satisfaction survey of residence environment factors. The result of the study is as follows. First, the result of the resident satisfaction analysis of lower stories housing complex for the parts of residence facilities, vicinity facilities, location, management, finance shows that the satisfaction for the residence facilities is highest and the parts of management, vicinity facilities, location and finance are next in order. Second, the result of the satisfaction for the 6 high rank factors of residence facilities shows that the satisfaction for bedroom is highest and the construction condition, public facilities, other facilities, plane formation and room surroundings are next in order. The Room surroundings shows the lowest satisfaction and also has other controversial as a privacy, noise and view. Third, the result of the satisfaction for the 6 high rank factors of vicinity facilities shows that the satisfaction for the parking place facility planning is highest and the moving line planning, plot planning, exterior planning, outdoors and landscape planning, other well-being facilities planning are next in order. For the plot planning, the improving of a relation between one’s own space and outside, and a distance among constructions is required. And also a space planning arousing positive outside activities of residents which can be done with an exclusive bicycle road, outside physical training place, a kitchen garden, etc. is required. Especially for the other well-being facilities, a applying plan of various facilities to revitalize neighborhood communities is required. Fourth, for the location part, the residents are unsatisfied with the use of public transportation and vicinity facilities and the traffic at work. For the management part, the satisfaction for a user manual and waste disposing system is comparatively low. And the satisfaction for the finance part is low on the whole.