Title Chaotic Use Patterns of Building Terms in KS and Directions for their Standardization
Authors Jeong Sang-Kyu ; Park Woo-Jang ; Park Joon-Young
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Building Terms ; Korean Industrial Standard(KS) ; Standardization
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze chaotic use patterns of building terms in Korean industrial standard(KS) and suggests the directions for their standardization. This present paper began with sampling building terms in KS related to building and civil engineering and the terms was classified according to chaotic use types. The building terms, consisting of morphemes and words, was compared with. To find out the characteristics of chaotic use patterns about the terms, Korean, Chinese and English morphemes in the terms was analyzed. And some problems of the terms are discussed in the view of standardization. Based on these analyses, it suggests directions for standardizing building terms.