Title A Study on Improvements in Pedestrian Environment of Urban Commercial Streets - With an Analysis on Existing Conditions in the City of Incheon
Authors Choi Kang-Rim
Page pp.237-248
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Commercial Street ; Pedestrian Environment ; Improvements in Pedestrian Environment ; City of Incheon
Abstract The walking along the street is the basic transportation of mankind. The right of walking and the pedestrian environment are rising as important issues of sustainable development. And urban commercial streets are useful in the urban economic revitalization and the quality of life. The purpose of this study is to analyse the existing condition of the pedestrian environment of the commercial streets in the City of Incheon for the improvements of them. The three sites of this study are composed of ‘Juan 2030 Street’, ‘Bupyeong-ro’ and ‘Hwapyeong-dong Naengmyun Street’ those are located in the core zones of the City. The result of the analysis on existing condition that is focused on three facts of the secure of enough pedestrian space, good streetscape and pedestrian safety has a lot of problems. The pedestrian space is occupied with illegal parking cars, non-suitable street furnitures and piled up-goods on the sidewalk. The townscape is harmed by disordered signboards, sign-system and irregular set-back lines of the buildings. The pedestrian safety was threatened to the wrong street facilities. The improvements in pedestrian environment of urban commercial streets are suggested as follows ; improvements in physical environment, improvements in public system and improvements in user participation. Urban commercial streets have to be the place of the harmony of public and commercial side. So we have to make the commercial street as a public place of safety, amenity and attractiveness.