Title A Study on Predictions about Urban Spatial Configuration after New Town Development in Chun-Cheon City
Authors Lee Seok-Gweon ; Lee Nak-Woon
Page pp.259-270
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Space Syntax ; Urban Spatial Configuration ; Transition ; Characteristics ; Chuncheon City ; Predictions
Abstract This study proposes to predict the changes and characteristics of the spatial configuration after the new town development by performing objective and quantitative analysis on the urban spatial configuration through Space Syntax. And then it combines the results with urban statistical data and qualitative analysis. It is summarized as follows. ① With regard to the U-du new town project, the outputs of Space Syntax over Chun-cheon as a whole and its key areas in particular are the same before and after the development. It is concluded that, as this district is originally designed to be isolated and without no link with the Old Downtown, the development will have little effect on the urban configuration of the Old Downtown and the City as a whole. ② If the U-du new town project is accompanied by the development of Camp Page and its neighboring areas so it comes to have an effective road system with its center of the Old Downtown, it will give, in the aspect of urban spatial configuration, much importance and more easier access to all these areas and even Toe-gye new town as well whose organic road system links itself with these areas. ③ If we carry out both the new town project and the road system plan in 2020 Master Plan for Chun-cheon city, it is expected that, as the internal circular road system is organically connected with the Old Downtown and the completion of the external circular road system makes the road system of the entire city much more effective, the urban spatial configuration of Chun-cheon as a whole will have a more integrated unity.