Title Experimental Study on the Flexural Behavior of Encased Composite Beams for Residential Buildings
Authors Park Keum-Sung ; Heo Byung-Wook ; Kwak Myung-Geun ; Bae Kyu-Woong
Page pp.91-98
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Shear Connector ; Encased Composite Beams ; Residential Buildings ; Shear Slip ; Slim Floor
Abstract With steel and concrete composite beams, the incomplete interaction between the steel and the concrete slab leads to an appreciable increase in beam deflections. Moreover, encased composite beams are critical to deflection due to their inherent geometry. In this paper, An experimental study on the mechanical behavior of slim floor systems for residential building subjected to pure bending were presented. Five specimens were fabricated and tested to investigate the relations of bending moment vs. deflection of the composite beam. It was found that the steel beam profile significantly contribute to the encased composite beam behavior. Test of result, the governing failure mode for the encased composite beams was presented to bending for AS-series, while combined failure of bending and shear governed for RT-series. Also, the test results show that the replacement of the shear connector by a mechanical bonded connection makes it possible to decrease the appearance of shear stress concentration and to obtain a continuous transfer of the efforts between the concrete and the steel.