Title Patent Analysis for Construction Technology Research Development
Authors Kim Chang-Yoon ; Kim Hyoung-Kwan ; Kim Chang-Wan ; Han Seung-Heon ; Kim Moon-Kyum
Page pp.143-150
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Technology Planning ; Research and Development ; Patent Analysis
Abstract Diverse research efforts that have been conducted are reflected in the patent information. Patent analysis facilitates the understanding of the major technological area and how the technologies change. It provides the essential data for strategy development of research and development. In this paper, based on literature analysis and expert review, 40 keywords had been selected for searching advanced construction patents. 737 patents of US, EU, and Japan during January 1991 and May 2006 are analyzed. Technology trends of each phase of construction lifecycle are derived through the patent data and patent map analysis. Construction research and development strategies are deduced based on the patent analysis. This research effort suggests a systematic methodology for how patent information is incorporated into new construction research and development plans.