Title A Study on the Lighting Plan and the Fear of Crime in Outdoor Space of Apartment Complexes
Authors KimDae- Jin ; Lee Hyo-Chang ; Kim Na-Yeon ; Ha Mi-Kyoung
Page pp.133-144
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Apartment Complexes ; CPTED ; Fear of Crime ; Lighting Plan ; Multiple Regression Analysis
Abstract The crime is one of the important elements to threat dwelling safety of the human in modern society. The crime occurred in residence area not only destroys a housing environment but provokes the fear of housing environment and the disbelief to relationship of neighborhood. and The crime incurs spirit and physical pain, individual and social pathological occasion to crime victim for long time. This research analyzes relationship both residents feel the fear of crime in outdoor space of apartment complexes and lighting plan of present condition, and suggests improvements about this. This research adopts Correlation Analysis and Multiple Regression Analysis to analyze relationship both space to feel the fear of crime and lighting plan element to six apartment complexes in Gam-Nam Gu. The results of this research to prevent the fear of crime are as following. 1) Not only illumination but uniformity is very important to decrease the fear of crime. 2) The continuous maintenance of lighting and legal enforcement for lighting planning are necessary. 3) Planning the lighting to decrease the fear of crime in night, We preferentialy should consider lighting elements in each space 4) Lighting plan elements effect to fear of crime in outdoor space of Apartment Complexes is lighting rate, pole height, uniformity, intensity of illumination, lighting fixture spacing, the type of luminous source.