Title A Research on the Evaluation Process of Accreditation Procedures of Architectural Programs in Korea - Focused on the Data of Human, Physical, Information Resources
Authors Ryu Jeon-Hee ; Lee Jin-Hyuk
Page pp.191-200
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Architectural Education ; Evaluation Process of Accreditation Procedures ; Human ; Physical ; Information Resources
Abstract The purpose of this study is to assess the evaluation standards of accreditation procedures of architectural programs in Korea focusing on the human, physical, information resources. Accreditation systems are mainly divided into two ways i.e. accreditation in USA and validation in UK. These systems are substantially qualitative evaluation procedures which do not enforce quantitative conditions. From the start, KAAB adapted its evaluation process based on qualitative way. The analyzed materials are all the submitted application reports and documents of the accreditation procedures in KAAB since 2005 to the October 2008. The results of study are as follows; the ratio of student vs. one full-time professor was approximately 30 students, average design studio size per student was 3.7㎡, 29 programs had library within the department and had average 9,400 architectural books with different codes in university, design studio class credits per semester was over 48, studio critique hours per student were 55minutes and 61minutes per week in each semester. Rejected reasons of the application processes are mostly resulted from the insufficient curriculum system and inadequate managerial system of the applied academic courses considering professional architectural programs. Additionally, insufficient human, physical, information resources and the other facts are recommended to improve.