Title Perspectiva Naturalis and Euclidean Optics in Architectural Representation in Greco-Roman Antiquity
Authors Ryu Jeon-Hee
Page pp.201-208
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Euclid Geometry ; Architectural Representation ; Scaenografia ; Perspectiva Naturalis
Abstract Architectural conception and realization generally assume vis-a-vis correspondence between the conceived idea and the final building. From the beginning of Western architecture for architects and artists, the fascination of geometry lay in its contribution to solving problems of order, proportion, symbolic forms, and perspectives case by cases. Geometry has been the worldview, framework or representational tool and sometimes operating tool of the architect. In this study, through the primary sources-from written texts to diverse drawings and their relation to buildings- I tried to figure out the architect has made the mediating artifacts within the context of natural science since the ancient Greece. While tracing the genealogy of the relationship of geometry and architectural representation, vision and Euclidean optics, including the subtle development of scaenografia had almost the same meaning and category which became the origin of perspectiva naturalis in the Greco-Roman period.