Title A Study on Yeongyeok-boojang, the Responsible Executioner in the Construction of Palace at the Late Period of Chosun Dynasty
Authors Seo Chi-Sang
Page pp.209-216
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Yeongyeok-boojang ; Construction of Palace ; Responsible Executioner ; Paejang
Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the activities of Yeongyeok-boojangs, the responsible primary executioners of the palace constructions in the late period of Chosun dynasty. Their main missions were in charge of various executional works by supervising and commanding unexperienced labourers and craftsmen. In spite of their poor treatments compared with those of other engagers, they played vital roles in the constructions. The results are as follow : 1.They led and commanded the working units organized with the thirty or fifty labourers. 2.Long-term military officers were usually picked out as Yeongyeok-boojangs to build palaces and given the position, Byeonjang, as a prize after completing them. 4.The name of Yeongyeok-boojang disappeared in the late of 1800s, and it was replaced by the name of Paejang.