Title An Experimental Evaluation on Thermal Performance of Steel Stud Framed Wall According to Exterior Finishing Materials
Authors Yu Young-Dong
Page pp.263-270
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Dry Wall ; Steel Stud Framed Wall ; Thermal Performance ; Thermal Bridge ; Steel House
Abstract In this study, a prediction equation for drywalls based on the steel stud structural frame was proposed by performing actual-scale experiments and using statistical methods based on regression analysis. A performance laboratory based on the calibrated hot box method consisting of a hot box, a constant temperature chamber, and a low temperature chamber was set up to measure thermal insulating performance. To propose an equation for predicting the thermal insulating performance, regression analysis for measured values for thermal insulating performance according to the thickness of the materials consisting of the wall was performed. Results showed that installing external thermal insulations was effective in improving thermal performance of steel studs framed dry wall.