Title Environmental Improvement Object of Food service Facilities in Elementary and Junior & Senior High School
Authors Kim Kyung-Ho ; Cho Min-Kwan
Page pp.279-286
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Facility for Food Service ; Guidelines of Architectural Environment ; Space-link Plan
Abstract School food service which began in special school from 1992 have been largely developed without the guidelines of architectural planning and environment in a short period. This study of which the goal is proposing basic data for establishing the policy possible to give the hygienic and efficient environment of school food service gives the result as follows. It is found that the clean space, which is composed of pre-preparation room, cooking room, and dish-washing room that is directly related to food materials, should be separated from the general working space of cooks through the observation and the questionnaire survey about the cooking process and existed facility layout of school food service. Especially, terminology such as food service space or facilities, cooking space, and cooking facilities etc., should be defined in the kitchen because they are used confusingly. And, it is found that separating each part of cooking space is very importantly understand for hygienic environment. The more students are supplied with meals, the narrower cooking facility area becomes. It is an important factor to be considered in making decision such as functional separation of cooking space. This study is carried out on present menu, and in elementary and junior & senior high schools in the region of Seoul. Therefore, further studies about improvement of administrative process and in small food service establishment, and provision equipment and failities of school meals are needed.