Title A Environmental Performance Evaluation of the Box Type Double Skin Facade System with Field Experiment
Authors Choi Seok-Yong ; Yee Jurng-Jae ; Choi Jin-Hyuk ; Kim Yong-Kyoung ; Lee Sung-Jin
Page pp.287-294
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Box Type Double Skin Facade ; Air Cavity ; Sound Insulation Performance ; Light Shelf
Abstract The purpose of this study is to evaluate the environmental performance of the box type double skin facade (DSF) system. The results of this study are as follows; (1) The peak of air temperature within the air cavity appeared 1 hour later after the peak time of outdoor temperature. It appears that the air cavity had a time delay effect. (2) There was about 3℃ temperature difference between the upper zone and the lower zone in case3. It appears that the sun control window films could reduce the solar radiation. (3) The difference of sound pressure level (SPL) between caseA and caseD was up to 32.4dB, at least 17.3dB in each frequency band. It appears that sound insulation effect of DSF system would be approximately 39dB (4) The difference of the illuminance level between separation distance, 1m, and separation distance 5m, was up to approximately 1350lx, at least approximately 250lx. It appears that would not be necessary to use artificial lighting within 3m from window side because of the natural lighting being through the window and light shelf.