Title Flexural Behavior of Laminated Glass under Various Ambient Temperature
Authors Lee Mun-Hwan ; Song Tae-Hyeob
Page pp.57-64
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Laminated Glass ; Flexural Strength ; Temperature Dependent ; Effective Stiffness ; Partial Interaction
Abstract This study describes the results of testification of the composit behavior property and the optimum component condition according to the laminating film type and working temperature of laminated glass taking transverse load, in addition to effective stiffness by experiment and mathematical method. The results are presented and discussed, focusing on the structural response in terms of shear transfer capacity, ductility and collapse modes. Test results showed that the flexural behavior is related with the test result of laminating film in the same temperature condition. In the case of using SGP film test result showed the result similar with plat glass as full interaction condition, so it can be usable in the wide temperature range. Finally, Analytical method to estimate the shear-bond stiffness of the laminated glass beam with PVB and SGP film is presented.