Title An Experimental Study on the Development of Mortar Setting Time Control of Nitrate Corrosion Inhibitor and the Evaluation of Corrosion Protection Effect for Electrochemical
Authors Moon Byung-Chul ; Yoo Jo-Hyeong ; Lee Han-Seung ; Lee Moon-Sung
Page pp.113-120
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Corrosion Inhibitor ; Setting Time ; Calcium Nitrate
Abstract The purpose of this study is developing a new corrosion inhibitor which improves durability of concrete. It is understood that there are various methods to protect the corrosion of reinforcing steels in concrete such as the nitrous acid lithium, the nitrous acid calcium and so on. When we use the corrosion inhibitor in large quantities, there are accelerates setting time and affect to durability of concrete problem. The nitrous acid lithium has a good effect on delays setting time. However, it is more expensive the nitrous acid calcium, so the nitrous acid calcium has used more than the nitrous acid lithium. When the nitrous acid calcium is in large quantity, there is an accelerates setting time problem. From the results of the experiments, it was confirmed that the lithium, calcium nitrite corrosion inhibitor and new corrosion inhibitor over dossage 0.6 (NO2-/Cl-) molar ratio is very effective in protecting reinforce ment from corrosion in mortar in which chloride ions have contained.