Title A Study on Application of the Universal Design Principles to Classrooms in Universities
Authors Kim Dae-Jin ; Kim Sung-Jun ; Lee Hyo-Chang ; Won Sun-Young ; Park Jung-Ah ; Ha Mi-Kyoung
Page pp.123-132
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Universal Design ; Education Facility in University ; University Classroom
Abstract A nation should provide an equal opportunity to people. But, Students with physically deficits have not been considered in education facility enough until now. For that reason, the purpose of the study is to evaluate universal design`s application to large, middle and small-sized classrooms in university. The improvement of classroom environment in university should consider students including short and long term handicapped. This improvement enable those student to be educated as same as non-handicapped students. The result of this research are as following 1) the nation and a univesity need to be make an effort to consider a minium standard for the security. 2) It is necessary to develope detail guidelines to handicapped student`s desk, Slope and stairway in a classroom 3) It must be confirmed to support accessibility facility and a classroom. 4) Desks in classroom should set in close to a door to assure their vision to help exit in emergency. 5) Slope and stairway should keep effective width 1,200mm. Moreover, They should consider an alternative for both sides of handle. 6) University classrooms are fluid and flexible space. When planning a space, It is necessary to apply universal design principles with middle and long term perspective.