Title The Relationship between the Interests of Traditional Far East Asian Architecture in Europe and the US in the 17th - 20th Centuries and the Modern Movement
Authors Kim Jong-Hun
Page pp.143-154
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Far East Asia ; Modern Architecture ; Korean Architecture ; Chinoiserie ; Japorism ; China ; Japan Architecture ; Orient
Abstract This study examines the architectural influence of East Asian Pavilions on the development of Modern Architecture in the 19th and 20th Century. In this study, East Asia includes China, Korea, and Japan, countries within the influence of Confucian culture. The interest in the Eastern World has increased in the West among the upper class since the 17th century. Interests in the Eastern World was disseminated to the public primarily through the World Fairs of the 19th century, The East Asian Timber structure is totally different from the Western timber structure. Modern architects have adapted from this system and applied it to new systems using concrete, which is characteristic of Modern architecture. This paper attempts to describe the substantial relationship between East Asian Architecture and Modern Architecture through the historical analysis of Western Architecture from the 17th century to the 20th century.