Title |
An Evaluation of Sign System in Regional Public Facilities and Recommendations - Focused on Pusan City |
Keywords |
Region ; Public Facilities ; Sign System ; Disabled Person |
Abstract |
The purpose of the study was to reveal the problems of graphic symbol sign system in the six public facilities, and suggest sign design directions. A new evaluation tool through literature review was developed as the research method. The observation to obtain data began April 8, and finished April 20, 2008. The study was divided into four areas; parking lot sign for people with disabilities, indoor sign, information sign, and toilet sign. The results of the study was that the parking lot sign for people with disabilities were shown as good conditions in the six places. But directional arrows leading to the parking lot were not sufficiently provided. In the indoor sign, the directional signals in reception desk of the public facilities were very weak. However, signs and maps would have to be tactile as well as visual for people with disabilities. But no Braille on the sign was found in the six public facilities. In the sign for individual room, the edges of the sign board should be rounded to protect any unwanted safety. But no sign board with rounded edges was found. Main entrance of public facilities had signs with a guide and accessible routes. But the connection of the sign leading to other rooms was not properly provided, and also no Brailles on the sign was shown. In the toilet sign, no sign board with rounded edges was found, and toilet sign differencing men and women with Braille was not properly provided. The suggestion was that 1) three steps of the sign design process is needed such as easy look at sign design, connection of one with other signs, and user location mark on the sign. 2) The continuance of the sign system is needed. The conclusion is that the lack of continuance of the sign system is found in the six public facilities, and the systematic sign plan for people with disabilities is needed. |