Title The Various Planning Methods of the Sun Shade based Layout of Apartment Buildings
Authors Lee Jang-Bum
Page pp.193-202
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Azimuth Angle ; Duration of Daylight ; Shade ; Plank Type ; Tower Type ; Daylight ; District Unit Plan ; Residential Area ; Distance between Buildings ; Apartment Building ; Complex Design
Abstract This study aims at proposing various ways of application of new design method named as apartment layout method based on the sun shade theory. In Korea most houses are being constructed with apartment house type. For the further good environment design concepts such as adopting pilotis and ecological landscaping method are applied, but there still exist the problems in the matter of daylight, ventilations and so on. It is obvious that we can't design apartment building complex having no problem in daylight and view by the application of the distance based layout law. In this study the extension method, dealing how to apply the sun shade theory to the apartment building complex design, will be investigated and suggested with various ways of design to get high density maintaining the complex ecologically sound and also to apply to the various region in Korea including major cities also in the world.