Title A Study on Patterns of Single Family Dwelling Residential Area in accordance with Characteristics of Urban Space - Centred on British Case Studies
Authors Chung Jae-Yong ; Park Hun
Page pp.211-222
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Urban Space ; Single Family Dwelling units ; Terraced Housing ; Housing Layout
Abstract This study aims to analyse the differences in the characteristics of single family dwellings over space with the hypothesis that the development in single family dwelling has taken place with urban planning consideration such as residential density and privacy needs, particularly in the U.K. The need for this study came from the current situation in Korea, that is, domestic single-unit houses are developed uniformly in terms of type and scale which has resulted in the inefficient use of land, lack of privacy and low quality of housing environment, thus the single dwelling housing became unpopular as mass housing type. On the other hand, single-family houses in UK have diversified with regard to housing types, lots, and block types as well as environmental quality and land use efficiency. Thus, this study analyzed 8 cases in the UK. in terms of physical and environmental elements such as density, block and lot size and shape, open spaces such as garden including front yard and back yard, road, etc. over different spatial (urban) hierarchy. The result showed that in the case of houses at the city center, housing had narrow lot types and terraced construction methods to secure high density, while in the cases of suburban areas tried to balance high density features with environmental needs. In all cases, regardless of location in the spatial hierarchy, all developments secured seasonable environmental condition and privacy conditions using various planning components from block and lot design to housing layout to openspace design. Based on the study results, a development direction for domestic single-unit houses is presented in the conclusion.