Title A Performance Prediction on the Element Cores of Total Heat Recovery Ventilator According to Outdoor Conditions
Authors Choi Seok-Yong ; Yee Jurng-Jae ; Park Mi-Ji ; Kim Seok-Keun ; Kim Kwang-Hyun
Page pp.241-248
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Indoor Air Quality ; Total Heat Recovery Ventilator ; Element Core ; Performance Prediction
Abstract In order to secure environment of indoor air quality, we need inflow of the fresh air from outside, and also there will be the loss of energy. Recently, it is issuing to adjust of ventilation equipment for reducing these losses of energy. It is effective way that total heat recovery ventilator is not only to reduce pollution level of indoor but also to save energy. However, the operation and design was inconsiderately performed because of lack of understanding of these systems, so it occurs these problems not doing its natural purpose which saves energy. Therefore, in order to solve these problems, it is important to study heat recovery ventilator system before using them. In this study, we make an performance prediction on efficiency of sensible heat and latent heat of element cores as a result of changing temperature and humidity of outdoor with using artificial climate lab, so it will be used basic materials for plans of saving energy of the building.