Title Inelstic Analysis of Plane Frame using Direct Method
Authors Yoon Tae-Ho ; Kim Jin-Sang
Page pp.57-64
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Direct Method ; Inelastic Analysis ; Internal Parameter ; Structural Transformed Parameter ; Elastic Response ; Inelastic Response ; Real Response ; Strain Hardening ; Plane Frame
Abstract In this paper a new method for the inelastic response analysis of plane frame based on Direct Method is presented. Direct Method developed by Zarka is very efficient inelastic analysis method which does not use load steps. Inelastic beam element with strain hardening moment-curvature relationship is developed. The accuracy and reliability of the preposed method is verified by comparing the results of example analysis with DRAIN-2D developed by Powell. In inelastic analysis the accuracy and reliability of analysis results depend on the selection of load step. But, the proposed method does not use load steps and shows good stability. Furthermore, it shows high accuracy and efficiency.