Title A Study on the Establishment Institutional Policy to Keep the Safety of the Water-proofing and Root-proofing Layer for Green Roof Construction in the Building Structure
Authors Oh Sang-Keun ; Song Je-Young ; Kwon Shi-Won
Page pp.115-122
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Waterproofing and Root Penetration Resistance for Green Roof ; Supporting by Law and System ; Construction System ; Supporting Technology
Abstract The green roof industry have been developed with Europe, North America, Japan. At the same time, being recognized the important of green roofs in domestic industry and we just start to develop the relative technology as analyzing the future direction of advanced technology. Recently, local self-government including Seoul support the system for green roof which provide 50% of working expenses form of Matching Fund by Seed Money. As years go by, the number of build up the green roof has gradually increased to be proved. At this result caused by management of system in government, unstructured construction system, low development of support technology. In this study as analyzing the present of technical development, supporting by law and system for the advanced waterproofing and root penetration resistance technology, we suggest the development direction of it to be compared with application advanced technology and we could strengthen the international competitiveness to be industrialized the green roof considering system, technology, human infrastructure.