Title An Analysis on the Present Condition and Development of TO-BE Process Models for Systematic Maintenance of the Rental Apartments
Authors Jung Young-Han
Page pp.141-148
ISSN 12269107
Keywords Rental Apartment ; Maintenance Process ; TO-BE Model ; Standardizing
Abstract The rental apartments serve as a fundamental part of national assets and hold common properties in terms of its facility modes compared to apartments for public sale. Thus, it is anticipated that rental apartments will become the subject of increased focus in the research field of maintenance system currently administered in Korea. Although, miniscule units of application have been developed in addition to increased necessity for computerized system establishment in researches on rental apartments, the standardized methodology to promote such system establishment as a common task has not been suggested as yet. As the result of this study, the maintenance process or rental apartments have been suggested. The TO-BE model, which is to contribute towards standardizing the process, activities to be performed and how information is to be exchanged among such activities, has been suggested in the form of IDEF0 model. The achievement in research of maintenance is to develop process model which could be explained about structures and standards of maintenance in rental apartments. The five serial processes of model are the following : 1. Establishment of basic information on maintenance (A1) 2. Understanding targets for maintenance (A2) 3. Diagnosis on targets for maintenance (A3) 4. Maintenance planning (A4) 5. Execution of maintenance (A5)