Title A Study on the Typological Composition and Community Activity Space at the Townhouse Developments of Seoul Metropolitan Area
Authors Park Sang-Mi ; Kim Won-Pil
Page pp.215-222
ISSN 12269093
Keywords Townhouse ; Community ; City Region Type ; Suburbs Type ; Suburban Leisure Type ; Suburban Type
Abstract Since 1970, rapid economic growth and urbanization has gain speed in Korea and the supply of urban housing increased in its quantity. Although there is a lack of community space for residents' social life, it appears that the residents continuously pursuit luxurious town-house, which has advantages as low-density and low-rise building. These town-houses should settle as a community in a way to provide long time dwelling, pleasant environment and humane interaction among residents. The aim of this study is to analyze spatial composition of various types of townhouse and the effects of housing complex's space on residents' community activity conforming to the increase in community senses in complexes. Literature survey indicated that city region, suburbs, suburban leisure type housing and suburban style housing were major categories according to the complex's characteristics. According to the building code and zoning, under city region and suburbs, the classification explored row house, single house, leisure house, and sharing wall type house. Characteristics of the community space and the space organization were explored according to the type of houses. The planning guideline were also suggested for the design of townhouse complex in order to activate the community according to city region town house and single houses, suburb town house, and leisure type.